Browsing the archives for the movies tag

Androids, Electronic Sheep, Psychology and Mythology

Many science fiction authors have written about androids — robotic humans simulating human intelligence with powerful software — and as usual, science fiction (20th century mythology) is becoming reality. The term “android” was popularized, I think, by prominent science fiction writer Phillip K. Dick, whose Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep? short story was one […]

The Ham Sandwich and Eternal Happiness

An old logic joke goes like this: I. Nothing is better than eternal happiness. II. A ham sandwich is better than nothing. III. Therefore, a ham sandwich is better than eternal happiness! It turns out that there are a lot of ham sandwich myths trying to reassure us that our life is tasty just as […]

Myths Go to the Movies: Alice in Wonderland

It’s a poorly-kept secret that nowadays, myths have gone to Hollywood. Joseph Campbell spent time holed up with filmmaker George Lucas, helping him hash out the first Star Wars movies (and to my mind, the recent three were missing that timeless spark). In Campbell’s classic book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, he outlines a “universal myth,” […]